Thursday, October 25, 2012

"...Come Novmber 7, We Should Be Singing 'God Bless America'...Not, 'Thank God, It's Over'..."

Little over a week to go until Election Day.

And there's a chance this might be the last piece this blog will offer before that.

A miniscule chance, to be sure, but a chance.

That said...

Good luck and best wishes to both of the major party candidates for President Of The United States and I sincerely hope that regardless of who is given the chance to serve, they will serve with purpose and vision, integrity and dignity, energy and passion and bring honor to the office they hold and the nation they lead.

That said...

From the flimsy excuses for positions and platforms, to the distractions of superfluous flotsam and jetsom in place of committed and visionary agendas for the future, to the bitter bickering, cheap shot name calling, lack of substantive discussion on the issues that matter to every single voter, to the establishment of a vitriolic tone that resulted in vicious, acidic, damaging conflict between friend and friend, neighbor and neighbor, families and familes, to the absurd circus of clowns including, but not limited to, Bachmann, Coulter, Trump, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Maddow, Morgan, Biden, Ryan and, yes, even Obama and Romney, I'm confident, and disappointed, that this particular election can rightly, and fairly, be described as an embarrassment to almost every single principle of the election process the Founders worked long, hard and diligently to provide us.

To voters of every belief, philosophy and/or party stripe, God bless you...and good luck to you.

To all the pundits, political participants and politicans, God bless you...and shame on you.

The arrival of Election Day in America should come as joyful noise.

Not a whimper of exhausted relief.

No matter, who we get...

...we deserved better.

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