Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"We're Not Only Not In Kansas Anymore...We Haven't Even Been To Iowa, Yet..."

Democratic debate day after.

Can't swing a dead cat and not hit an "expert".

Actually, these days, thanks to PETA and the SPCA and the ACLU and E-I-E-I-O, you can't even swing a dead cat.

This writer claims no expertise.

I do, though, have a little experience with this kind of thing.

So, allow me to sum up the status of the presidential campaign, current as of the writing of this piece, some twelve hours after the end of Dem Debate I.

Those who believed their candidate is the answer to every prayer they can pray still believes their candidate is the answer to every prayer they can pray.

Those who believe that all the other candidates are anti-Christs and/or Muslims still believe that all the other candidates are anti-Christs and/or Muslims.

Those who haven't yet made up their mind were mostly likely watching "N.C.I.S." last night and waiting until, say, March of next year when the herd has thinned sufficiently to see the "actual" candidates as opposed to the Osmonds meet the Von Trapps crowd of contenders currently taking part in the process and sucking the oxygen and air time out of the room.

As far as "expert" analysis, insight, cogent perspective and/or prescient pundit-ing as to where the American electorate stands at this point, I ignore CNN, FOX, MSNBC, any and all "commentators" associated with same, any and all online sages, any and all print media waxers politic and simply, for the time being, refer to the one political observer I have found, through the years, to have the most consistently, almost unfailingly, accurate take on mindset of the American voter at any given time in the American electoral process...

Ray Bolger.

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