Friday, May 25, 2012

"...If I Wanted Your Chest In My Face, I'd Buy You Dinner First..."

I debated a couple of things in my own mind before writing/posting about this.

First, was this a political issue, justifying its inclusion on this blogsite, as opposed to not political, where it would have been more appropriately posted on one of my "civilian" sites, say, Phelpspeak.

Second, was this worth any discussion at all.

The answer to the former is, as evidenced by its appearance here, yes.

The answer to the latter is, likewise as evidenced by its appearance here, likewise.

What is not as obvious is the moral of the story.

At least the moral that you'll find at the end of this piece.

But, first...


The easy and, likely, assumed punchline to this little brouhaha, especially on a political oriented blogsite that, more than often than not, leans a schoche more to the left than to the right , would almost certainly include the words "free speech".

Guess again, blogarinos...

The issue deserving of focus is here isn't infringement, or not, of one's right to express one's opinion.

It's a simple matter of fists and noses.

As in, the right to swing one's fist ends where another's nose begins.

And invoking the "it's my right to express myself" defense in a case like this is, for my money, reminsicent of Gomer running across the Mayberry square yelling out "citizens arREST! citizen's arREST!".

Lady, you are more than entitled to your opinion.

And if you want to share with friends, peers, co-workers, family, et al your "stand" on this issue, then knock yourself out.

For what it's worth, I am in absolute agreement with the sentiment.

But I am coming down on the side of the captain who bounced you off the plane.

Because I don't want, and shouldn't have, to explain to kids or grandkids, at the least, who might be sitting on the plane with me what your little fifty percent rayon rant "means".

Anymore than while I might passionately agree with you that most of what we get from our elected officials is bullshit.....

...I don't need, or appreciate,  you rubbing my face in it.

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