Friday, April 27, 2012

"...Who's The Brains Of This Outfit, Anyway?..."

Here's a thought.

Something to think about.

That might have you thinking for awhile.

Democrats, most often branded as liberal, are known to inhabit the "left" side of the political line of demarcation.

Hence the term(s), "from the left", "left wing", "left wingers."

Republicans, most often branded as conservative, are known to inhabit the "right" side of the aforementioned line.

Hence the term(s), "from the right", "right wing", "right wingers"...

...and Rush Limbaugh.

Meanwhile, the cerebellum is the largest part of the human brain.

It is divided into two parts.

The right cerebral hemisphere and the left cerebral hemisphere.

Creativity and artistic abilities come from the right side.

Logic and rational thinking come from the left side.

But here's the thought I was thinking will have you thinking for a while.

The right side controls the...wait for it...left side.

And the left side controls the...wait for it...right side.

One would think, given that conflict, we would never be able to function, let alone prosper and succeed.

But we do.

As individuals.

Politicians, as a group, on the other hand...

Here's politics in plain English...

We need to stop voting for candidates based on party.

And choose them for their individuality.

That's a no brainer.

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