Saturday Night Live, circa 1979, did a bit, featuring Jane Curtin, called "Heavy Sarcasm".
The premise, somewhat predictably given the title, was an interview show in which the host's comments/questions, et al always came generously coated with a dripping layer of...wait for it...
...heavy sarcasm.
"So NICE to have you on the show tonight....just can't WAIT to hear you talk about your new NOVEL..."
You get the idea.
I mention it because as I pondered what to say in this, the inaugural piece of this new collection of pieces, it occurred to me that those of you who have been regular visitors to my other blogsites (Phelpspeak, Phelpsongs, The Center Line) upon discovering the launch of yet another site might be inclined to indentify with that SNL bit of days gone by.
Not to put words, either cordial or caustic, in your mouth, of course.
In the spirit of what it is is what it is, here's what it is.
I am, as any one who knows me will attest, not a professional politican.
Nor, I imagine, can I lay claim to being a professional pundit, analyst or counsultant.
Commentator? Well, now if you stretch the definition out to its extreme limit, allowing for anyone who "comments", then, hell, yeah, I'm a commentator.
Of course, by that definition, we're all commentators, aren't we?
Please hold your comments until the end.
This new blog has both a goal and a purpose.
One, oddly enough, not being necessarily related to the other.
The goal is to provide a perspective on the process politic to those who profess not to care, one way or the other, about that process but who, very often, feign disinterest in order to disguise their inability to comprehend it all.
I thought about calling it Politics For Dummies, but that seemed a little condescending.
Well, that...and that domain name wasn't available.
I snoozed and losed on that one.
Having a not quite expert, somewhat past mom and pop grasp of the concepts involved puts me, I think, in a unique position. A position in which I can, perhaps, shed some light for those who profess indifference but secretly crave illumination.
Hey, babe, I'm here for you.
And because I sincerely have no particular agenda to further, no aspirations to run for office, no particular ax to grind and no self gratuitous reason to convince you one way or the other about anything, I can, hopefully, be your Ricky Ricardo of political commentary, a fairly well read, arguably articulate every day kind of guy who is only more than happy to "...'splain it to you..."
That's the goal.
The purpose?
To have some fun.
Cause let's face it, kids, if we don't learn to laugh at some of this shit pretty soon, we're going to be looking for new and effective ways to end it all.
Again, hey, babe, I'm here for you.
So, let us begin. Let us do as the plain folk do.
And try to figure out just what kind of crap they're shovelin' at us now.
And, as the long ago glow of the 70's throws a soft light on the endeavor, I can almost see your faces and hear your voices in a Saturday Night Live mode....
Oh, boy. ANOTHER blog.
Just can't WAIT to hear what you have to say.
Heavy, man.
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