Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hey, You Look Like Death Warmed Over...But, Good News, The Dow Is In The Pink...Well, Black, Actually

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Today's edition of saying the things that go without saying...

  • An American student held captive in Iran since 2016 has been released in a prisoner swap....the family is, obviously, elated....and celebrations, obviously, underway for yet another world record set: personal best, to date, time between event and appearance of the Donald Taking Credit Tweet......goes without saying that America is going to see a whole lot of these "hey, that's really good to hear" things between now and's all part of the psychology in play in other life the essentially worthless employee who somehow starts razzle dazzling just prior to yearly review the wife beater who suddenly gets all kind and lovey dovey when actually being thrown in jail teeters on the precipice between possibility and probability...... 

  • An op/ed written by a noted news analyst, decidedly at home on the left side of the peanut gallery opines that Trump currently has an "obvious path to a second term". The impetus for the impending inevitability?......Unemployment at a 50 year low. And with it, the perception that, economically speaking, happy days are not only here again, but the sky above is clear again......goes without saying that a society basing its overall health strictly on the basis of its economy is putting all of its eggs, not to mention future existence, in one basket.....who needs morality, inspirational leadership, a visionary reaching out to other nations, the global equivalent of next door neighbors,  a concerted effort to reduce hatred, bigotry and all those other pesky human failings when the Dow is looking good?....just ask any homeless vet....or Mr. Bernstein in "Citizen Kane"....."no trick to making a lot of money....if all you want to do is make a lot of money..."

  • A couple of Democratic Congressmen have let it be known that they will not be voting "aye" on any of the articles of impeachment that are presented when the House votes. New Jersey's Jeff Van Drew, one of the two, says that impeachment is "tearing the nation apart...and I want to bring people together".....He goes on to offer that everyone's goal should be to "move on"....goes without saying that "moving on" from cancer without removing the cancer is really nothing more than simply "walking away"......and given the overwhelming amount of willingness the Trumpists have shown to work together with all parties for the common good of everyone, walking away is, at best, a guarantee of future failure...and, at worst, well, stupid comes to mind.....

  • And lastly, but not leastly,  we jingled the Salvation Army bell pretty good on this little holiday nugget during this past week's webisode of "The Blab", but it simultaneously goes without saying while it bears repeating that there is no "War On Christmas"....the war on common sense, meanwhile, enters its fourth wearying year.....and, forgive the holiday buzzkill, things aren't looking good for the commonsensicans......pray, Zuzu, pray very hard......and Merry Christmas to all.....

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