It ain't the school.
It's the principal of the thing.
Thank you.
I'll be here all week.
Try the veal.
It ain't Donald Trump, either.
Every screaming, screeching, in your face obvious piece of evidence to the contrary.
From the thinly veiled racism to the unveiled misogyny to the comprehensively complete and utter lack of knowledge about anything even remotely having to do with anything other than knowing how to "make a great deal".
And just to save time here, spare me the lame, tired, yeah, yeah, yeah rebuttal that comes in the form of "well, uh, yeah, but, uh, what do you expect from those lib-tards like Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Webb and, uh, you know, uh..."
The messenger, in this case, has absolutely nothing to do with the message.
If Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck themselves were to gang up and become the panel on this topic, the insights, or lack of them, coming out of the Donald's medulla would be exactly the same.
Now, in the last couple of days, the plot, much like the Trump thought process, thickens.
PS...don't be put off by the Stephen Hawking sound of the narrator here. The article itself appears in its entirety following the video.
A former PR operative for the Donald Trump campaign published a contrite open letter Monday, expressing her sympathy with Trump supporters whom she says were, like her, hoodwinked by a candidate whose bid for the White House was never very serious — and is now turning dangerously plausible.
“I don’t think even Trump thought he would get this far,” Stephanie Cegielski wrote in a post published on XOJane. “And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.”
Cegielski was communications director for the Trump-aligned Super-PAC Make America Great Again. She gave an interview to the Washington Free Beacon last week, in which she criticized the real estate mogul for his vitriolic remarks and lack of substance. She regularly mocks the candidate on her Twitter account for his ignorant and uncouth remarks.
“He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver’s seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy,” she wrote.
What was once Trump’s desire to rank second place to send a message to America and to increase his power as a businessman has nightmarishly morphed into a charade that is poised to do irreparable damage to this country if we do not stop this campaign in its tracks.Cegielski argued that the onetime reality TV star has been playing a fictional character since he launched his campaign — albeit a fictional character that has succeeded in harnessing the very real and righteous anger of millions of voters. “We are all angry — and we all have a right to be,” she concluded. “But Trump is not our champion.”
I’ll say it again: Trump never intended to be the candidate. But his pride is too out of control to stop him now.
You can give Trump the biggest gift possible if you are a Trump supporter: stop supporting him.
He doesn’t want the White House. He just wants to be able to say that he could have run the White House. He’s achieved that already and then some. If there is any question, take it from someone who was recruited to help the candidate succeed, and initially very much wanted him to do so.
Since late last year, I've been talking on the radio shows about that anger there.
And, more than once, I've ruffled a feather or two by not only putting words in people's mouths, but by telling people what it is they mean when they say what they say.
Both actions undeniably rude and inappropriate.
And, hey....I'm not even a Fox News contributor.
But, the point I was making then, and the point that I'm re-making now, is that my belief has been for a long time now that it's not Donald Trump himself that people who so passionately and/or naively, support and endorse as it is what Trump represents.
A big ol' pin that will, finally, mercifully, once and for all, pop that big damn balloon filled with the mixture of hot air, methane gas and world class bullshit better known as the Federal Government.
And, just so we're clear, let me reiterate something I've also been saying publicly since, at least, late last year.
I get it.
I'm with ya.
I'm jiggy wid it.
At least in so far as the annoyance and frustration and, yes, anger is concerned.
But, as I said just the other day to my friend Dave, as we discussed this subject and he shared, once again, with me, how he sees Trump as a bad bargain but the only bargain worth buying given the other choices...
It is the right time. It is the right place. And Donald Trump is exactly the wrong guy.
To paraphrase an old stand up bit from our Sledge O Matic buddy Gallagher, "if a twelve inch hemorrhoid is your problem, a six inch hemorrhoid is no answer."
At this point along the campaign trail, though, none of that seems to matter.
Or resonate.
Or put a dent in the Trump Train as it roars down the track toward Cleveland, possibly toward 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and, then, let's just talk a little inconvenient truth, okay, even possibly toward the end of life on the planet as we know it.
Because the votes, like the hits, just keep on comin'.
Which brings us back around to the school.
And the principal of the thing.
Andy Borowitz is an American writer, comedian, satirist, and actor. He is also a New York Times-bestselling author who won the first National Press Club award for humor.
He posted this meme online the other day.
Personal favorite moment from an episode of "Big Bang Theory".
I've run into this issue more than once as I share, or inflict, depending on your position in the political scheme of things here, my take on Trump and why people are lining up behind him like he was Forrest Gump about to go for a run.
I understand I have no one to blame but myself for any abuse that gets hurled in my direction.
Smart ass-ness/know it all-ism doesn't come cheap, ya know?
And if absolutely pressed to consider any, every and all outcomes, I would have to, in fairness, admit that I simply do not know to an unarguable certainty what would happen if Trump did end up solemnly swearing.
All I can offer that I do know is what history teaches us all.
One way or another....
...we all learn.
Sooner...or later.
I'm holding out hope that, this time around, it's the former rather than the latter.
And I believe that Donald Trump's success was, and is, both inevitable and understandable.
Because he has masterfully tapped into the wave of anger and resentment a lot of Americans are feeling these days.
Given the way our representatives have conducted themselves in recent years, a perfectly legitimate school of thought.
And if I had a dollar for every time someone summed up their support of Trump by saying "he speaks his mind", well, I wouldn't be here talking to you right now.
I'd be overseeing the building of my beach mansion in Malibu.
But the Presidency of the United States requires, in the global community in which we all now live, whether we like it or not, much, much more skill and craftsmanship than a blunt tool can offer.
And a blunt tool is pretty much all we're likely to get if the Donald gets elected.
Should that actually happen, the joke could very easily end up being on us.
Because the danger isn't the Donald Trump school of thought.
It's the principal of the thing.
Thank you.
I'll be here all week.
Try the veal.
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