Sunday, September 20, 2015

"...Ain't Nothin' Like The Real Thing...Too Bad Real Ain't In Style..."

Came across this posting on the Bernie Sanders phenom from Facebook friend Angela Kaset.

He's probably too real to be elected. You might be a hardcore republican, a Hillary devotee, or an independent....I still think you'll find a lot you'll like about this guy. You might not vote for him, but he might raise your expectation of what you want in a candidate. He doesn't waste time boasting or smearing....he just works hard for the middle class, the downtrodden, the environment, infrastructure, short, our future. He's not a salesman in a slick package.
He is a realist, and he is a statesman. If you don't know about him, you should

 Included in her post was a link to an online story addressing Bernie's adventure.

click HERE for the story

Real, indeed.

for my money, Angela articulates the Sanders surge nicely---and it's, admittedly, simplification to word it this way, but, given the general tone of things thus far and  the options America will have this time around, I think the outcome of the election could very easily come down to the answer to these questions:

1. just how much power and influence corporate (and private) money really HAS taken over in this country

2. what the ratio of well informed and reasonable voters to unsophisticated, uneducated, self interested voters is in this country

3. how deep the cracks, and potentially fatal the flaws, there are in a once great but now old and tired political system that "seriously" puts a Huey P. Long with bad hair at the top of the "best" list.

4. how many people in America currently understand the difference between opposing a point of view and hating the person who represents that point of view.

5. have we, at long last, come to the practical end of the two party system in this country?

Notice that nowhere in the list of criteria is there listed anything as mundane and archaic as "experience" "qualifications" or, God forbid, "inspiration and/or vision".

That would be a lot to ask in election year 2016


Get real.

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