I have neither the passion nor patience that quality culinary requires.
Simply put, I'm a heat em up and eat em up kind of guy.
Every now and then, though, one semi-chef trait seems to bubble to the top of the kettle.
Boiling things down.
Like, for instance, now.
(CNN) -- Dave Brat, an economics professor and former seminary student, pulled off the biggest political upset of the year by ousting the No. 2 House Republican Eric Cantor in a primary challenge on Tuesday night.
"This is the happiest moment, obviously, of my life," Brat told his supporters at a post-election event in Glen Allen, outside Richmond, on Tuesday night. "The reason we won this campaign, there is just one reason, and that's because dollars do not vote -- you do."
Brat, who raised less than $300,000 to the House majority leader's campaign war chest of $5.4 million, said, "It's not about David Brat winning tonight, it's about returning the country to its principles."
Cantor's team included some veteran Virginia political hands while some of Brat's top campaign staffers hadn't worked on a major campaign before.
Many political pundits were quick to credit the tea party for boosting Brat's campaign, but his campaign did not get any significant financial support from conservative groups because they were funneling money into other primary challengers they believed had a better shot at beating GOP incumbents.
The airwaves, internet, print publications, etc, etc, ad nauseum have been flooded with blah blah blah and yada yada yada about this "monumental moment" in American politics since four to six seconds after the first serious official projection was made that Brat was blazing and Cantor was cooked.
Not gonna waste any of your time risking being one of too many cooks.
Will just add a pinch of possibility.
Everybody and their mama who have an interest in taking, or giving, credit for this thing are already loudly taking, or giving, said credit.
A lot of it can be found in the index of ingredients.
Look under blah blah blah or yada yada yada.
Here's the pinch.
Is it possible that no one individual or political group, per se' is "responsible" for Brat defeating Cantor and that the much ballyhooed "American people", regardless of creed, color, affiliation and/or allegiance have simply, finally, mercifully, had enough of the same old shit?
And after year after year after year of inferior meals completely lacking in nutritional value served up by incompetent cooks have simply decided to grab hold of the voter's booth lever and wield it like the spatula it has every potential to be?
What a blessing it would be if the time has finally come for the "establishment" to find themselves in the soup.
And those "same ol' same ol's" who have yet to be re-elected suddenly have something to stew about.
The heat, for now, seems to be on.
And it's gonna be fun watching the American voter not only demand to be fed properly.
But choosing, for a change, the very best to serve..
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