Saturday, November 10, 2012

"....Might As Well Starting Calling The G.O.P The VHS If This Is What They're Going To Bring To The Marketplace..."

Every pundit from Memphis to St. Joe, not to mention Boulder to Birmingham, is ready, as always, to offer up their post game observations as to why Mitt Romney isn't out having his business card changed to "President-Elect Of The Unted States."

The observations, and the complex details of same, will likely be with us, at least, until well after we've all said a prayer thanking God that Santa has come and gone lest we have to endure one more retelling of the tragic story of the day Grandma and that reindeer crossed paths.

I love a complicated, verbose discussion and/or debate as much, or more, than the next guy.

But, much like Johnny Nash, when it comes to 2012, I can see clearly.

It really all comes down to eight track tape players.

While the Democratic Party gets stereotyped as the party of change, the party that likes to zig when zag is in fashion, and vice versa, the party that likes to bring the party, I think the Republican Party capable of bringing some game to the game.

From the history books, one need only look up 1964 and that zany madcap Barry Goldwater, hell bent on not only straightening out the country, but straightening out anybody else who needed straightening out.

Think Chris Christie, less a hundred pounds or so, and add Buddy Holly glasses.

And, with no intention to help promote Steven Speilberg's box office receipts, let's not forget that other fairly well known Grand Old Partier.

Abraham Lincoln.

Make no mistake.

There has, historically, been a lot more to the G.O.P. then just fat cats making other fat cats fatter while riding around on the backs of the middle class.

There is some genuine 21st Century talent in the Republican Party.

And one of these days, as all things that are meant to happen one of these days happen, the party of Barry G. and Honest A is going to come out of its desert wanderings and find itself in the 21st Century.

Not this time, though.

Because this time, in their mission to make it necessary for Barack Obama to give United Van Lines a call, instead of offering up a shake, rattle and roll shake rattle and roller like, say, a Chris Christie...or a Bobby Jindal....or, hell, even spunky little Paul Ryan, the Republican Party reached into the file drawer labeled "serious, but, hip, contemporary and relevant alternatives to Obama" and pulled out....

...a wealthy, late middle aged, white guy who would have probably been a dead lock shoe in to take possession of 1600 Pennsylvania..., say, 1956.

Until the Republican Party realizes that it's almost 2013...and not 1953, they are going, from here on out, to be as "shellshocked" as Mitt Romney has been reported to be about the outcome of any election where they figure they have the American voting public figured out.

Here's politics in plain English..

We live in an Mp3 world.

And, judging from the outcome this past Tuesday,  we're no longer interested in buying eight track tape players.

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