Old saying.
Two things certain.
- Death.
- Taxes.
Old saying rebooted for contemporary times.
Four things certain.
- Death.
- Taxes.
- Trump is going to say or do something horrific, horrendous and/or moronic.
- I am going to write and post/publish a piece that trashes Trump.
This particular piece, though, serves a different purpose.
It answers a question increasingly asked in my direction.
Why, at a time when everyone knows what kind of pitiful excuse of a human being he is, do I continue to comment on his words and actions.
When does enough finally become enough?
First, let's do a little "one thing straight" getting.
This is not a defense. This is not an apology.
I feel absolutely no need, let alone desire, to defend.
I owe not a single word of apology.
As a courtesy to those in my world who still have my respect, these words are by way of offering an explanation.
This is the first time I have offered it.
And it will be the last.
I would refer you back to a few sentences ago.
To those "defend", "apology" dealios.
Second, four words that loom large here.
Oh...and there will be a little New Testament James as well.
Make a mental note to remember those words and that announcement.
Post-it Notes are fine if you're so inclined.
And here's a bonus, from the git-go, plot twist.
My motivation for every word I write is that I haven't got a clue.
Stay tuned for the exciting payoff to that little unexpected.
The motivation for this essay... came from two friends.
We'll call them "T" and "E".
They each posted a unique spark...that lit a fuse.
That resulted in this piece.
Eleven days ago, this country did something unbelievably unacceptable for the second time in less than ten years.
It watched "peacefully" as the office of President of the United States was handed over, again, to a clinically sociopathic narcissist who couldn't find his own ass with both hands and a flashlight, let alone "lead" a nation of 334,924,895 citizens in desperate, even critical, need of mature, intelligent, unifying leadership.
And after the Presidency was handed over to Elon, Donald Trump took some kind of hysterically ironic oath or something.
See what I did there?
Skipping the almost overwhelming temptation to laundry list the irrefutably infinite examples of why this "presidency" might very possibly result in the end of, if not life on the planet as we know it then at least, the end of America as it has existed for over two and half centuries, let's do a little cutting in the direction of the chase.
I wrote and posted some quick shot observation/lament about Elon's ill advised attempt to look like the loyal lackeys to the evil Messala in Ben-Hur.
Said ill advised attempt complete with a clumsy Roman salute to "Tribune" that, unfortunately, can easily be mistaken for the salute offered when "Tribune" is pronounced "Fuhrer".
Be it your garden variety historic Nuremberg "Fuhrer" or your more contemporary "Mar-A-Lago" edition.
My two cents moved "T" to make a request in the comment thread.
"Change the channel, please"
A day or so later, I opined on the disastrous and despicable FUBAR that, thus far, has been standard operating procedure in the worst sequel in the recorded history of sequels....
"Make America Great Again II--The Reckoning"
Moving "E" to respond..
"..I am so tired..."
The thing, one among many, about social media is that, with posts that lack sound or visual, it is impossible to hear tone or see facial expressions , ergo, impossible to know the attitude that accompanies the commentary.
As mentioned earlier, both "T" and "E" are friends, so the inclination is to read their contributions to the conversation as commiserating.
As in "we hear ya, brother"...or "you go, guy"....or even a healthy shot of "Amen!"
Things being what they are these days, though, it's also entirely possible that one or both of those comments could translate out as....
"...for the love of God, shut the fuck up, we're beggin' ya..."
Hey, I hear ya, brother/sister.
But that's not going to happen.
Which brings us, finally, around to "why?"
Why, at a time when everyone knows what kind of pitiful excuse of a human being he is, do I continue to comment on his words and actions.
Like I said...
It's because I don't have a clue.
We are all gifted.
Be your theology rooted in spirituality, universality, single deity and/or organized religion (let's save time and just concede that one is a total oxymoron), we are given skills, abilities, talents, et al, that make it possible for us to contribute positively to this life, this planet, this country.
Whether or not, of course, we choose to make best use of that gift.
Free will and all those other tricky slippery slopes.
Some of us sing.Others can't carry a tune in a tote.
Some of us dance. Others can't get jiggy with two feet and a flashlight.
Some of us are savant like brilliant in business...and some totally con others into believing they are savant like brilliant in business only to see casinos go bankrupt and end up settling for being elected President.
We've all got something.
And we all lack something.
If you were to put a gun to my head and say "tune this car engine or you're a dead man"...
...you'd save us both a lot of time if you just go ahead and pull the trigger.
If I've learned anything in a life getting very close to three quarters of a century long, it is what I can do...and cannot...of what I am capable...and am not....
...at what I am not, in any way, good...
and..at what I am very good.
My gift is words.
The love of them, the respect for them...and the ability to put them together.
Additional description of my own work inappropriately crosses the line between applicable acknowledgement and blowhard braggadocio.
So, I offer up an appreciated, and unsolicited, comment from another friend we'll call "A".
A selfless and accomplished educator and, in the best, old fashioned sense, a good and decent man.
Who had this to say about one of my more recent op/ed moments.
"..Man you got a way of communicating the truth and nothing but the truth..great post and desperately needed…"
Thank you, sir.
Now, again, here's why.
Again, because I don't have a clue.
I have no way of knowing who is reading my words.
Or more accurately, I have no way of knowing who else is reading my words. Besides those whose names I see in the comment threads.
And given that social media is a global platform, that means that I have no way of knowing if my words are falling on deaf ears all over the world.
Or if they are being read by someone...somewhere...that might be moved by them.
A someone, somewhere who, having read my words and being moved by them, might be...
...the spark.
That sets off a fuse.
That ignites a fire.
That roars into a shadow destroying light.
That shines immeasurably on what need be done.
To save America....
...from being made great again.
When that "greatness" is defined by a clinically sociopathic narcissist who couldn't find his own ass with both hands and a flashlight, let alone "lead" a nation of 334,924,895 citizens in desperate, even critical, need of mature, intelligent, unifying leadership.
At this point, something very important needs to be said.
I feel absolutely no need, let alone desire, to defend.
I owe not a single word of apology.
That said...
I have absolutely no sense of "self importance".
I am committed to as much humility as possible.
I reflect continuously that I am nothing more, nor less, than a vessel for what I offer in writing and posting and publishing.
I never ever let myself lose sight of the fact that what talent I possess....is a gift.
And I never...ever...let myself forget James 4:17
"...it is sin to know what you ought to do...and then not do it..."
For what it's worth, "T" and "E"....
The moment this shit show is canceled, I'm not only ready to change the channel. I'm good with shutting down the flat screen and returning to a healthy program of reading, reflecting and writing...on some other, any other, topic.
And, trust me, I'm as tired of all of this...as tired ever gets.
But I was given a gift.
And to not use it...with the right intentions...and best effort....
Would be....if nothing else....rude.
There's way...way more than enough rude these days.
Ground zero centered at 1600 Pennsylvania.
The courteous thing to do...
...is honor the gift.
If only just on the off chance....
...that it causes a spark.